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The methodology requires solar illumination of the growing cloud elements for retrieving Re. Therefore, it is usable only during daylight hours. The method works best for clouds with exposed feeders. Therefore, developing convective clouds best show their severe weather potential while they are still in their early developing stages. This is typically 1 to 2 hours before the occurrence of the tornado or large hail.
The T-Re relations are analyzed by an automatic detection algorithm for the detection of severe storm signature. The suspected clouds are identified and flagged as Early Alerts (EA). ). The objective is to predict when and where a severe storm is most likely to occur one to two hours prior to the actual event. As such, the EA serves as an intermediate stage filling the large gap between severe weather watch (event up to hours away), and a warning when the event is -often about to occur within 10-20 minutes
After testing the method on historical data, the potential for its application was sufficiently encouraging to warrant the development of an operational algorithm that was implemented and tested at the Storm Prediction Center. In this presentation (Part 1) we will describe the methodology, the underlying physics and its application. The evaluation and skill of the methodology will be addressed in a companion presentation (Part 2).