Thursday, 30 October 2008
Madison Ballroom (Hilton DeSoto)
Using a 50-m resolution numerical simulation of a "tornadic" supercell as input to a weather radar emulator, synthetic data mimicking the scanning strategy of a mobile C-band dual-Doppler radar network were obtained . The synthetic radial velocity and radar reflectivity data were subjected to a number of interpolation methods and two standard wind synthesis packages to evaluate which analysis method is best suited for retrieving supercell kinematic structure. The interpolation methods tested include the single and multi-pass Barnes and the a range dependent Cressman scheme. The wind synthesis components include the standard NCAR package and another package used by several people at NSSL.
The results are validated in terms of how close the analysis methods reproduce the input simulated vertical motion field. This study will help quantify how to interpret dual-Doppler derived wind fields relative to the actual storm flow. Moreover, the results should provide some insight to the level of uncertainty that may be obtained by the SMART-radars during the upcoming VORTEX2 field campaign.