Detailed in this presentation will be data jointly collected by the 2008 Multiple Observations of Boundaries in the Local-Storm Environment (MOBILE_2008) Project and the 2008 Radar Observations of Tornadoes and Thunderstorms Experiment (ROTATE). There were at least four cases where the coordination was successful: 14 May 2008 (Eden, TX), 23 May 2008 (Ness City, KS), 25 May 2008 (Bison, KS), and 4 June 2008 (Valparaiso, NE). For most of these cases, MOBILE_2008 deployed upwards of 24 Texas Tech StickNet probes in regions of Doppler on Wheels radar coverage, allowing for a unique integration of these measurements. In situ data from up to 12 ROTATE 1-m in situ probes, and up to 4 instrumented vehicles, one armored, were available for some of these deployments.
These cases will provide insight into the fine-scale thermodynamic and kinematic variability of the near-updraft environment of pre-tornadic supercell thunderstorms. Initial interpretation of some of these observations will be offered, partly in the context of the possible role of baroclinity in the promotion of low-level mesocyclone intensity.