Session 3A.4 Analysis of the elevated mixed layer during the Super Tuesday outbreak

Monday, 27 October 2008: 2:15 PM
North & Center Ballroom (Hilton DeSoto)
Christina C. Crowe, University of Alabama at Huntsville, Huntsville, AL ; and J. R. Mecikalski

Presentation PDF (1.8 MB)

On February 5-6, 2008, a large outbreak of severe weather (Super Tuesday Outbreak) that included 82 tornadoes occurred across the southern Midwest and Southeast United States. As part of a larger investigation of this severe weather event, an analysis of the development and progression of the Elevated Mixed Layer (EML) was performed. It was found that the severe weather outbreak was associated with two separate EMLs, each with their own distinct region of origin. The first EML originated in the southwest United States while the second developed further south over Mexico. While not a textbook example of the contribution of the EML in severe weather, this study provides a look at the differences and interactions between these two discrete mixed layers from multiple synoptic perspectives. This also offers a much needed investigation into a rare occurrence of a widespread mixed layer over abundant surface moisture, especially for so early in February.
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