25th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Session 15B

 Intraseasonal variability (Parallel with Sessions 15A and 15D)
 Organizer: Eric D. Maloney, NCAR, Boulder, CO
4:00 PM15B.1Wave-Convection-Radiation Feedback in Madden-Julian Oscillation  extended abstract
Jialin Lin, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY; and M. Zhang, T. Qian, R. D. Cess, B. E. Mapes, and M. Newman
15B.2Modeling intraseasonal variability with an aquaplanet GCM  
Dance Zurovac-Jevtic, MIT, Cambridge, MA; and K. A. Emanuel
4:14 PM15B.2ADoes the tropical atmosphere support large-scale radiative-convective overturning? (Formerly Paper Number P1.51)  extended abstract
Jialin Lin, SUNY, Stony Brook, NY; and M. Zhang and B. E. Mapes
4:29 PM15B.3Investigation of the MJO in the ECMWF model  
Adrian M. Tompkins, ECMWF, Reading, Berks, United Kingdom; and T. Jung
4:44 PM15B.4Cloud Radiative Effects and Tropical Intraseasonal Variability  
Sandrine Bony, Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique, Paris, France; and K. A. Emanuel
15B.5Equatorial Kelvin wave instability and the wind-evaporation feedback mechahism  
Han-Ru Cho, National Central Univ., Chungli, Taiwan; and P. L. Lin
4:58 PM15B.6MJO-like coherent structures in idealized aquaplanet simulations  extended abstract
Wojciech W. Grabowski, NCAR, Boulder, CO

Thursday, 2 May 2002: 4:00 PM-5:15 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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