This convective system was forecast in realtime 24 h in advance with the WRF-ARW model, using a 3 km horizontal grid interval, accurately reproducing the observed occluded eye-like structure and accompanying intense mesoslow. This forecast allows for an unprecedented analysis of the structure and evolution of such a unique convectively produced mesoscale vortex, addressing the source of the unusually intense, large scale rotation, especially as regards the role of the ambient vertical wind shear and CAPE and a preexisting boundary extending eastward from the system. Surprisingly, it is found that the occluding phase of the system, which was associated with the most widespread damaging surface winds, occurred in conjunction with a weakening of the convection, including its associated cold pool, in an environment of weakening vertical wind shear and CAPE. Results of this analysis will be presented, along with comparisons to other derecho events. A companion paper by Evans et al. in the conference offers a more detailed circulation analysis of this simulated event.