26th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Session 3C

 Tropical Cyclogenesis III
 Chair: Richard J. Pasch, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/Tropical Prediction Center, Miami, Florida, Miami, FL
1:30 PM3C.1Prediction of African easterly waves by The FSU Superensemble  extended abstract wrf recording
Robert S. Ross, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and T. N. Krishnamurti
1:45 PM3C.2Gathering in-situ data using aircraft reconnaissance to investigate incipient tropical cyclogenesis  extended abstract wrf recording
Richard G. Henning, 53rd Weather Reconnaissance Squadron, Keesler AFB, MS
2:00 PM3C.3The Madden-Julian Oscillation and tropical cyclogenesis in the Gulf of Mexico  extended abstract wrf recording
Anantha R. Aiyyer, University at Albany/SUNY, Albany, NY; and J. E. Molinari
2:15 PM3C.4Surface evidence of tropical cyclogenesis  
Mark A. Bourassa, Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies/Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL; and P. Cunningham and P. D. Reasor
2:30 PM3C.5GCM simulation of the dynamics of a precursor to Hurricane Alberto over West Africa  
Michelle Ann Felton, University of Leeds, UK, Leeds, United Kingdom; and D. J. Parker and C. M. Taylor
3C.6Characteristics on the mesoscale convective systems organized in the process of typhoon formation over the western north Pacific  
Kazumasa Mori, MRI, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan
2:45 PM3C.7A statistical model for forecasting tropical cyclogenesis over the Atlantic Basin  extended abstract wrf recording
Christopher C. Hennon, UCAR Visiting Scientist Program, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/TPC/NHC, Miami, FL

Monday, 3 May 2004: 1:30 PM-3:15 PM, Napoleon II Room

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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