Session 7D |
| Tropical Convection I |
| Organizer: Courtney Schumaker, Texas A&M, College Station, TX
| 8:00 AM | 7D.1 | On the role of cross-equatorial pressure gradients in the development of tropical convection over the Eastern Pacific Ocean: A Modeling Study Violeta Toma, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA; and P. J. Webster |
| 8:15 AM | 7D.2 | The origin of systematic errors in the GCM simulation of ITCZ precipitation  Winston C. Chao, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and M. J. Suarez, J. T. Bacmeister, B. Chen, and L. L. Takacs |
| 8:30 AM | 7D.3 | The boundary layer contribution to intertropical convergence zones in the quasi-equilibrium tropical circulation model framework Adam H. Sobel, Columbia Univ., New York, NY; and J. D. Neelin |
| 8:45 AM | 7D.4 | Geographic variability in the export of moist static energy in the Tropical Pacific Larissa E. Back, MIT, Cambridge, MA |
| 9:00 AM | 7D.5 | Meridional moisture transport by tropical synoptic scale disturbances over the Pacific and Atlantic basins  Chia-chi Wang, Department of Earth System Science, Univ. of California, Irvine, Irvine, CA; and G. Magnusdottir |
| 9:15 AM | 7D.6 | Convectively coupled waves in DARE simulations on an equatorial β-plane Zhiming Kuang, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA |
| 9:30 AM | 7D.7 | A simple, vertically resolved model of tropical disturbances with a humidity closure Zeljka Fuchs, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, NM; and D. J. Raymond |
| 9:45 AM | 7D.8 | Variability of deep convective cloud characteristics across the tropical Pacific Michael P. Jensen, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY |