Session 6B |
| Tropical Cyclone Structure III - Eyewall Dynamics |
| Chair: Kerry A. Emanuel, MIT, Cambridge, MA
| 10:30 AM | 6B.1 | Tropical cyclone multiple eyewall configurations  Jeffrey D. Hawkins, NRL, Monterey, CA; and M. Helveston, T. F. Lee, F. J. Turk, K. Richardson, C. Sampson, J. Kent, and R. Wade |
| 10:45 AM | 6B.2 | Vortex interactions and the barotropic aspects of concentric eyewall formation  H.-C. Kuo, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; and W. H. Schubert |
| 11:00 AM | 6B.3 | Inner core convective asymmetries and vortex Rossby waves in Atlantic basin tropical cyclones Kristen L. Corbosiero, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; and M. L. Black, A. R. Aiyyer, and J. Molinari |
| 11:15 AM | 6B.4 | The dynamics of the eyewall evolution in a landfalling typhoon Chun-Chieh Wu, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan; and H. J. Cheng |
| 11:30 AM | 6B.5 | A new pathway to polygonal eyewalls and asymmetric eyewall contraction  Pedro J. Mulero, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI; and J. P. Kossin |
| 11:45 AM | 6B.6 | Concentric eyewall simulated in a fully compressible, nonhydrostatic, multiply nested, movable mesh tropical cyclone model (TCM4) Yuqing Wang, International Pacific Research Center, School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, HI |
| 12:00 PM | 6B.7 | The formation of concentric eyewall in hurricane Floyd (1999) M.K. Yau, McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada; and Y. Chen and M. T. Montgomery |
|  | 6B.8 | Tropical cyclone eyewall cycle impact on intensity and wind field structure Jeffrey D. Hawkins, NRL, Monterey, CA; and T. F. Lee, F. J. Turk, K. Richardson, C. Sampson, J. Kent, and R. H. Wade |