Session 13B |
| Remote Sensing of Tropical Cyclones I: TC Analysis Applications |
| Chair: Robbie Berg, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL
| 8:00 AM | 13B.1 | NRL tropical cyclone web page: A decade of evolution  F. Joseph Turk, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. D. Hawkins, T. F. Lee, K. Richardson, C. Mitrescu, C. R. Sampson, J. E. Kent, R. H. Wade, and S. D. Miller |
| 8:15 AM | 13B.2 | Using remotely-sensed observations to describe tropical cyclone formation and evolution Miguel Pineros, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ |
| 8:30 AM | 13B.3 | Satellite classification operations at the Tropical Prediction Center during the 2007 Hurricane Season with Comparison to Recent Trends  Robbie Berg, NOAA/NWS/NCEP/National Hurricane Center, Miami, FL; and H. D. Cobb |
| 8:45 AM | 13B.4 | Comparison of airborne SFMR, Dvorak satellite and best track maximum surface wind estimates  Peter G. Black, SAIC/Naval Research Laboratory, Monterey, CA; and S. Mullins, C. Velden, M. D. Powell, E. W. Uhlhorn, T. L. Olander, and A. Burton |
| 9:00 AM | 13B.5 | Evaluation of the First Deployment of Operational SFMR Instruments on the Hurricane Hunter Fleet  Ivan PopStefanija, ProSensing, Amherst, MA; and M. Gooberlet, L. C. J. Talbot, E. W. Uhlhorn, and P. G. Black |
| 9:15 AM | 13B.6 | Examination of the influence of the Saharan Air Layer on hurricanes using data from TRMM, MODIS, and AIRS  Scott A. Braun, NASA/GSFC, Greenbelt, MD; and C. L. Shie |
| 9:30 AM | 13B.6 | Structure and evolution of the unnamed U.S. landfalling tropical cyclone of 2006  Zachary Gruskin, NOAA/AOML/HRD, southwest ranches, FL |