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to provide the forecast of soil temperature and soil moisture as input to agricultural decision
support systems (pest control, seeding, etc). Various observations and high-resolution
land-use and soil texture fields were used to drive HRLDAS
on 4-km domain in CONUS for a retrospective period (2005-2006) and for
realtime forecast. The hindcast of soil temperature and moisture from March to August 2006
was evaluated against the soil n observations from the Soil Climate Analysis Network (SCAN), which
has more than 116 stations located in 39 states and collects hourly atmospheric, soil
temperature and soil moisture data.
Evaluation statistics reveal that HRLDAS is able to capture both the observed diurnal cycle
and long-term evaluation of soil temperature and its vertical structures. Among atmospheric forcing
conditions used to drive HRLDAS, the surface air temperature, hourly precipitation and solar
radiation play important roles in determining the evolution of soil temperature and moisture. Also, HRLDAS
shows significant sensitivity to the specification of thermal bottom-boundary conditions, the number of
vertical layers in HRLDAS, and vegetation phenology. We will discuss a number of efforts to improve
the forecast of soil temperature and soil moisture, which include the use of 1) MODIS vegetation
products (vegetation cover and leaf area index), 2) high-resolution climatology air temperature
for specifying bottom soil temperature, and 3) Kalman filter technique for assimilating soil moisture
and soil temperature.