Poster Session 2G Poster Session Tropical Cyclone Track

Thursday, 1 May 2008: 3:30 PM-5:00 PM
Palms ABCD (Wyndham Orlando Resort)
Host: 28th Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology

Structural Asymmetries and Track Changes of Tropical Cyclones during Landfall: Beta-Plane Simulations
K.C. Szeto, City Univ. of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China; and J. C. L. Chan

Track and Structural Changes Associated with Tropical Cyclone Making Landfall Near a River Delta
Andie Y. M. Au-Yeung, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong; and J. C. L. Chan

Hurricane deflection by sea surface temperature anomalies
M.E. McCulloch, Met Office, Exeter, Devon, United Kingdom; and J. T. Heming and J. D. Stark

Handout (387.9 kB)

- Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting
- Indicates an Award Winner
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