The results show that sensible heat flux (QH) is 20 % higher, latent heat flux (QE) 90 % lower at the highly sealed site compared to the vegetated one. Furthermore, it could be shown, that the partition of QH is an exponential function of the plan area density, whereas the QE is a linear function. With increasing fraction of sealed area the QH increased, while QE decreased. So, a high fraction of vegetated areas within an impervious terrain can counteract growing thermal stress on city-dwellers, demonstrating by the human-biometeorological thermal index (here: physiologically equivalent temperature, PET). But, if the soil moisture decreased during longer periods of drought the monthly average QE value decreased by 50 % and this positive thermal effect is therefore reduced or entirely lost.
The paper discussed the impact of land use and soil moisture on energy partition before the backdrop of global climate change mitigation procedures.