Clutter Suppression Measurements that Accurately Evaluate A radar System's End-To-End Capability
James Larry Alford, Enterprise Electronics Corp., Enterprise, AL
In the weather radar market there is a growing interest for superior clutter suppression, this desire is driven by the end user. Manufacturers answer this need for superior suppression by refining their suppression capabilities and publishing data in brochures and proposals specifying their enhanced suppression. After selecting a radar the end user must evaluate the accuracy of the published suppression values as supplied. This is not an easy task; testing clutter suppression is a complex subject. As a result of addressing this subject in the lab and field, EEC has designed a clutter suppression measurement technique, which is free from interference anomalies seen in actual clutter. This measurement technique is simple and should become the standard for the industry.
Session 5B, Signal Processing—Polarization & Doppler Techniques (Parallel with Session 5A)
Friday, 20 July 2001, 4:00 PM-6:00 PM
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