Poster Session P2.8 A Review of Operational Weather Radar Networking in Germany—Products and Applications

Thursday, 19 July 2001
Klaus-Jürgen Schreiber, Deutscher Wetterdienst, Offenbach/Main, Germany

Handout (622.1 kB)


In the recent decade a weather radar network was installed by the Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD) to have a complete coverage of entire Germany for receiving radar information even in the 120 km range. Sixteen C-band radar systems, most of them equipped with doppler facilities, are automatically operated at unmanned sites using identical signal processing units, radar computer and radar application software for data processing. With these devices and a built-in-test-equipment a uniform monitoring of the radar network is possible.

Every radar system in the network perfoms identical scans for recording volume and near-surface data of reflectivity and velocity. Based on these raw data several different radar products are locally generated at the radar sites. The access of all radar systems to a high speed telecommunication network is a basic prerequisite to provide the users with local radar products in due time. The network concept and the transmission of data and products will be presented in detail.

At the central office of the DWD composite products are generated using national and partly foreign radar data, and national radar images are prepared for international European-wide exchange according to the OPERA regulations.

The locally generated radar products and the composite radar images are used for a number of different applications by the various users of the German radar network; examples will be presented.

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