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S2000 FDP Nowcast systems included, Generating Advanced Nowcasts for Deployment in Operational Land-Surface Flood Forecasts from the United Kingdom Meteorological Office (UKMO) and University of Salford, NIMROD developed by the UKMO, the National Center for Atmospheric Research Autonowcaster, the Warning Decision and Support System developed by the National Severe Storms Laboratory, the Canadian Radar Decision Support System developed by Atmospheric Environment Science in Canada, a polarimetric radar microphysical classification scheme developed by Bureau of Meteorology Research Centre and SpecPROG developed by Hydrology Branch of the BOM.
The BOM provided enhanced mesoscale observations from Doppler and polarimetric radars, wind profilers and automatic weather stations. These data were linked with other standard sources and high resolution numerical prediction information to feed the WWRP nowcast systems. A web-based guidance system with an animation facility provided information on severe weather occurrence, rainfall and wind changes to forecasters. Enhanced nowcast products were delivered to BOM external clients using web-based techniques. Direct interaction between forecasters and WWRP system experts occurred in an operational mode.
Integral parts of the FDP involved the verification and impact studies under WWRP guidance to assess the value and impact of the improved services during the FDP. A WMO sponsored Training Workshop was held from 30 October to 10 November 2000 in conjunction with the FDP to enable other WMO members to learn about the FDP activities.