Handout (139.5 kB)
The rain profiling algorithm ZPHI, initially developed to overcome the problem of attenuation for operational C- and X-band polarimetric radars, is proposed to solve the natural rain variability effect for S-band polarimetric radars. As a matter of fact, N0* is one of the key parameters retrieved by ZPHI. The rainfall rate is then expressed as a function of N0* and of the specific attenuation, but is still subject to calibration error. The retrieved rain rate is statistically compared with a second estimator, in order to determine the calibration error with a 0.1 dB accuracy. The delivered rain rate is then immune to both rain variability and calibration error.
First results from the application of ZPHI with S-band polarimetric radar data are shown to illustrate these properties, and compared with conventional rain rate estimators. Some inter-comparisons are also operated with raingauge data.