Thursday, 19 July 2001
Handout (156.6 kB)
Zdr, phidp, and rhohv need to be measured at `zero lag', namely as if the
H and V polarizations were transmitted simultaneously.
However, the quantities have traditionally been determined by alternately transmitting H and
V signals on successive pulses. The alternating pulse measurements are
substantially affected by the pulse-to-pulse Doppler effects, which
increase both the variance and the complexity of the measurements. Because
the depolarization effects are often small, it is important that the
variances be minimized. In this paper we present measurements of the
variance of the dual-polarization quantities determined from simultaneous
H and V transmissions, which are unaffected by the Doppler effects.
The measured values are compared with the fundamental results for
the variances of phase and correlation measurements and are found to have
the fundamental variances as their lower bound. The receiving system
used to obtain the measurements employed constant-phase amplitude limiters
to achieve the required dynamic range; the consequent loss of amplitude
information resulted in the variances having the fundamental values only as
their lower bound. Fully linear `digital IF' receiving techniques will not have this
restriction and the observed variances should more often reach their fundamental
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