A series of retrieval experiments were performed with rapid-scan (~ 1 min scan rate) data gathered by two Doppler-on-Wheels (DOW) research radars (Wurman et al. 1997). We consider three datasets: a Florida thunderstorm complex (summer 1997), a slow-moving non-convective Oklahoma cold front (spring 2000) and an intense landfalling convective cold-front from the CALJET field experiment (winter 1998). For each case, data from one radar were supplied to the retrieval, while data from both radars were used to construct a dual-Doppler wind analysis to verify the retrieved azimuthal wind component. The retrieval algorithm used in these experiments is a simple 4DVAR method that combines the conceptually simple Lagrangian framework of Laroche and Zawadzki (1994) with the method of Xu et al. (1995) in which bulk source terms in the equations of motion are retrieved as part of the problem. The most recent version of this retrieval also uses a local least squares approach to retrieve the winds on a small sector or "patch" (as in Laroche and Zawadzki 1995), and incorporates a mass conservation constraint. Our key experiments focussed on determining the optimum time and space resolutions for the retrieval and the optimum length of the assimilation window.
Our results suggest that a dramatic improvement in retrieval error statistics could be achieved as the volume scan times decreased from 5 minutes (characterizing the current WSR-88D scan rates) down to 1 minute, the fastest scan rates available from the Doppler-on-Wheels at the time of the respective field deployments. The trend suggests that even greater improvements can be attained with the faster scan rates available from phased array weather radars.