Thursday, 19 July 2001
Handout (30.6 kB)
Recently the CSU-CHILL facility has embarked on an initiative to enable polarimetric radar operations over the internet. Though there are several high speed long haul networks around the globe ( such as Internet II *) it is becoming increasingly clear that the end-to-end throughput data rates are dependent on the application / protocol combination. In particular, if real-time radar data needs to be viewed at more than one destination, multicasting operation may be beneficial. Display consoles running on remote systems need to be able to interact with data flow such that the radar console is exactly replicated at the destination. This also enables the virtual radar presence at the class rooms that have internet connection.
This paper presents recent accomplishments with the Virtual CHILL initiative, including development plans for the future. The paper describes in detail the VCHILL architecture. In addition to enabling display over the internet, tools are also being developed to enable modeling and radar data analysis. Examples of such tools are also presented.
*Internet II is sponsored by high-tech companies and universities. Projects such as internet II aim to develop new, faster technologies to enhance the communication capabilities of present day internet.