Session 8.8 Meteorological aspects of the 3 November 2000 severe storms in Sydney, Australia

Sunday, 22 July 2001: 11:00 AM
David M. L. Sills, MSC, King City, ON, Canada; and J. Wilson, C. Mueller, N. Fox, D. Burgess, P. I. Joe, P. Dunda, and R. Webb

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On 3 November 2000, severe thunderstorms affected the greater Sydney region giving three confirmed tornadoes, hail up to 7 cm in diameter and heavy rain. This event provided the opportunity to assess the performance of the various WWRP nowcasting systems in real-time operations. The systems detected mesocyclones more than two hours before tornadoes occurred as well as hail greater than 6 cm in diameter. Data from the three Sydney-area radars revealed the existence of several surface boundaries with this event including the sea breeze front and multiple gust fronts. A post-event analysis of these radar data, together with photographic evidence, damage survey results and other meteorological data, suggests that these boundaries and their interactions played a critical role in the development of severe weather on this day.
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