The overall goal of this study was to characterize the cumulative long-term emissions of N2O for this site. This empirical information is needed for parameterization and validation of process-based models, and to inform emission factors for this type of agricultural system. In the two months following fertilization alone 0.47 ± 0.5 kg N2O-N/ha was emitted from the field. Continued monitoring will determine what portion of the overall emissions this hot moment constituted.
A secondary objective of this study was to optimize the integrated use of the static chambers and tower measurements. It is useful to use both chamber and micrometeorological techniques to characterize cumulative fluxes, as the methods complement each other in terms of sensitivity and spatial coverage. The chamber flux detection limit is an order of magnitude smaller than that of the tower techniques, but chambers constitute point measurements while tower based methods (EC and FG) integrate over the field scale. N2O has high spatial variability evidenced in the chamber results, which displayed up to ten-fold differences in N2O emission. To test the detection limit of the micrometeorological methods we conducted an N2O tracer release study where the emission rate could be carefully controlled and measured. Our experience suggests that the FG method is a better choice based upon detection limits, ease of operation, and compatibility with the chamber operations. Overall, combining high sensitivity automated static chamber measurements of N2O with field integrated and low maintenance (relative to EC) FG measurements provided a high quality data set that gave insight into both N2O emission dynamics and total field-scale emissions.