31st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology


Watch-By-County: What Is It and How Will It Change Watch Presentation

Daniel McCarthy, NOAA/NSSL/SPC, Norman, OK; and J. T. Schaefer

For several years, the National Weather Service and NOAA Storm Prediction Center has been preparing for Watch-By-County, a.k.a. Watch Decentralization Phase I. Eventually, this will change Severe Thunderstorm and Tornado Watches from the familiar 4-sided parallelogram to a list of specific counties (parishes or independent cities) that are in the watch area.

This presentation will update the progress of Watch-By-County, how it will work and look to the broadcast media.

1Corresponding Address: 1313 Halley Cir. Norman, OK 73069 Daniel.McCarthy@noaa.gov

Session 8, Future Issues, Systems, Practices and Products of Broadcast Meteorology
Thursday, 27 June 2002, 2:30 PM-5:30 PM

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