31st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology


Statistical Analysis of TVS Attributes and Baron's Shear SCITs During Various Severe Weather Events

Greg Wilson, Baron Services, Inc., Huntsville, AL; and K. L. Moncla and S. Ford

Advanced tornado detection is one of the most serious, yet difficult, issues facing meteorologists today. The ability of the broadcaster to deliver timely warnings to the public could greatly reduce the loss of lives and number of injuries that occur from these deadly storms. A statistical analysis was performed on the National Weather Service's (NWS) Tornado Vortex Signature (TVS) algorithm and Baron's Shear SCIT algorithm. These statistics were compiled on several different tornadic storm events throughout the United States.

This presentation will give insight into the probability of each algorithm to detect tornadic storms and will compare the leading warning times and false alarm rates for each algorithm for various tornado outbreaks.

Session 5, Vendor Session: Part I
Wednesday, 26 June 2002, 4:45 PM-6:00 PM

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