Cold Facts and Hot Air
Inge Niedek, International Association of Broadcast Meteorology, Mainz, Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
The science and the business of Meteorology require tremendous co-operation and co-ordination between countries and regions. As technology opens up new horizons and the world becomes ever smaller, the scope for conflict and the need for co-operation grows ever larger. Traditionally these conflicts were resolved within the World Meteorological Organisation, where every National Met Service has a seat at the table. Now, however, a vigorous private sector also demands that it’s voice be heard.
As former Chair of the IABM, Inge Niedek has been a key participant in discussions on how Meteorology must change and develop. In this presentation she describes the organisations and alliances that are forces for change, and she defines the key issues that will shape the organisation of our science in the decades to come.
Session 4, Present Issues, Ideas, Systems and Products in Broadcast Meteorology: Part II
Wednesday, 26 June 2002, 2:30 PM-4:45 PM
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