31st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology

Panel Discussion

 Meet your AMS Broadcast Board and Proposal for a New Broadcast Seal Process
 Panelists: Samantha Mohr, KPIX-TV, San Francisco, CA; Kathy Orr, WCAU-TV, Bala-Cynwyd, PA; Gary Ley, WJAR-TV, Providence, RI; Lisa Spencer, WSMV-TV, Nashville, TN; Claire Martin, Global TV, Edmonton, AB Canada; Mike Davis, WBNS-TV, Columbus, OH; John McLaughlin, KCCI-TV, Des Moines, IA; Eric Salna, KBMT-TV, Beaumont, TX; Robin Reed, WDBJ-TV, Roanoke, VA; Jay Trobec, KELO-TV, Sioux Falls, SD; David Tillman, KTRK-TV, Houston, TX
Moderators: Jim Jaggers, WHBQ-TV, Memphis, TN; Ray Ban, The Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA

Tuesday, 25 June 2002: 4:30 PM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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