31st Conference on Broadcast Meteorology

Panel Discussion

 Career Development Workshop Panel Discussion
 Panelists: Joe Rovitto, Clemensen & Rovitto, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA; Mark Pimental, WTVR-TV, Richmond, VA; Pam Pulner, Pulner & Associates, Washington, DC; Steve Swienckowski, The David Crane Agency, Inc., Raleigh, NC; Terri Smith, The Weather Channel, Atlanta, GA; Michael Valentine, WVEC-TV, Norfolk, VA; Mark Neerman, WTVR-TV, Richmond, VA; Nancy Kent Smith, WWBT-TV, Richmond, VA; John Wessling, WTKR-TV, Norfolk, VA
Moderator: Eric Salna, KBMT-TV, Beaumont, TX

Friday, 28 June 2002: 11:30 AM

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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