Thursday, 27 June 2002: 10:50 AM
Realtime, Dual Frequency, High Resolution Radar Processing for Significant Weather
Advanced weather radar systems in the U.S. are now the most critical component of the detection, dissemination and response process for hazardous local weather events like dangerous convective storms, flooding and winter storms. The addition of Baron’s advanced, high-powered, C-band radars to the current NEXRAD (S band) radars now allows for greater radar coverage throughout the U.S. As a result, improved warnings for hazardous storms are now possible on both the regional and local scale. A combination of S and C-band radars has been accomplished internationally as well in such countries as Romania.
This presentation will discuss the advantages of the addition of high-powered, C-band radars to the S-band network with an emphasis on quicker and more site-specific warnings of hazardous weather.
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