At each height the normalized standard deviations of velocity components (ói/u*,i=u,v,w) and temperature (óT/T*) are analyzed according to ζ and respectively, where ζ is the stability parameter (ζ=(z-zd)/L, zd is the zero-plane displacement height, L is Obukhov length).The results show that the statistics of óu/u*, óv/u*, ów/u* and óT/T* are in good agreement with the local similarity theory. However, the coefficients C1i ,C2i and C3i all vary with height. Under the near neutral conditions(-0.05<ζ<0.05) C1u, C1v and C1w decrease with height, implying that the mechanical effects of canopy on the velocity standard deviations decrease with height in the urban roughness sublayer. Under both stable (ζ>0.05) and unstable (ζ<-0.05) conditions, C2u, C2v and C2w increase with height, suggesting that the thermal effects on the velocity standard deviations increase with height in the urban roughness sublayer.
For the normalized temperature standard deviations, under the near neutral conditions (-0.05<ζ<0.05) the exponent in the power-law relationship is between -2/3 and -1 rather than -1/3. Under both stable (ζ>0.05) and unstable (ζ<-0.05) conditions, the -1/3 power-law relationship is obeyed well. However, the coefficient decreases slightly with height under unstable conditions (ζ<-0.05) but it increases significantly with height under stable conditions (ζ>0.05).