Monday, 20 June 2016
Alta-Deer Valley (Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel)
During two weeks of the Meteor Crater Experiment II field campaign (METCRAX II), which took place at the Barringer Crater (aka Meteor Crater) in north central Arizona, USA, in October 2013, five thermal infrared (TIR) time lapse cameras were installed at various locations on the Meteor Crater rim. These TIR cameras (VarioCAM® hr research & VarioCAM® High Definition, InfraTec) recorded high-resolution thermal images of the surface temperatures within the Meteor Crater from different viewpoints. The development and evolution of downslope-windstorm-type flows (DWF) were the main research objective of the experiment, captured by a comprehensive set of meteorological sensors deployed in and around the Meteor Crater. The TIR cameras recorded the temporal changes in the surface temperature of the sidewalls and floor of the crater basin, which are indicative of air temperature changes induced by flow dynamics inside the crater, including the DWF. By correlating TIR surface temperature data with air temperature sensor data during intensive observational periods (IOP) the applicability of the TIR method of representing flow dynamics can be assessed. In addition to air flow dynamics, cold-air pool (CAP) dynamics can be analyzed by thermal imaging. Supplemental to the comprehensive set of meteorological instruments at METCTAX II, the spatial and temporal high-resolution TIR data of the Meteor Crater can help to understand air-flow and CAP dynamics in more detail.
In our poster we will present results from a TIR method evaluation using correlation analyses between near surface air temperatures and nearby TIR surface temperatures. In addition, first TIR analyses results of CAP evolution, dynamics and breakup will be shown for different IOPs and the TIR imaging methods for our detailed CAP analysis will be presented and discussed.