A simple buoyancy-based conceptual model is used to predict the penetration depth into the crater of cold air intrusions and their variations with time and angular distance from the katabatic flow direction using lines of temperature data loggers running up the northeast, southeast, south-southwest, southwest and west crater sidewalls. A 40-m-tall tower on the south-southwest rim provides the vertical profiles necessary to observe the dynamics and thermodynamics of the cold air intrusion layer.
Key determinants affecting the characteristics of the cold-air intrusion are expected to include the depth and temperature deficit of the cold air source, the strength of the flow bringing the cold air across the rim, the sidewall slope angle, the ambient atmospheric stability within the crater, the frictional drag of the underlying sidewall surface, the entrainment of ambient air at the top of the intrusion and any terrain-induced flow convergence. These factors are considered, in turn, using a simple katabatic flow model and analyses of October 2013 data from the Second Meteor Crater Experiment (METCRAX II).