A number of researchers, including the authors, perform wind-plant aerodynamics simulations by embedding a wind-turbine aerodynamics model (actuator disks or actuator lines) within a microscale atmospheric LES. There is growing need to be able to perform these wind-plant simulations under non-periodic, horizontally heterogeneous, mesoscale-forced situations. For example, there is a need to better understand how newly proposed wind-plant control systems behave during frontal passages. In performing forensic analysis of wind turbine failures, it is important to capture the mesoscale effect on the microscale winds. Mesoscale input will become essential to future wind plant power forecasting that may rely on microscale wind-plant simulations.
A method for performing non-periodic, mesoscale-driven wind-plant microscale LES is to use time and space-varying mesoscale information as the inflow boundary conditions to the wind plant LES. Because the smaller-scale turbulence in the mesoscale simulation is modeled and not resolved, these inflow boundary data do not contain resolved turbulence. On the other hand, the microscale simulation is turbulence resolving. The inflow data, therefore, must be perturbed in some way so that resolved turbulence forms as quickly as possible within the microscale domain and comes to equilibrium within a minimum distance. Without perturbation, this process can take tens of kilometers.
In this work, we compare various inflow perturbation strategies. Specifically, we will compare the performance of methods that perturb the inflow temperature field, the inflow velocity field, or that superimpose synthetic turbulence onto the mesoscale inflow. We will assess how quickly each of these methods form equilibrium turbulence under a few different atmospheric stability conditions.