In this study, we perform large-eddy simulations of the advection of a passive scalar in an atmospheric boundary layer, by introducing a scalar source that is geometrically similar to a wind turbine into the flow. It is observed that the scalar plume originating from the source develops a Gaussian profile as it is transported downstream, as seen in case of a wind turbine wake. The expansion of the scalar plume as it proceeds downstream happens at a rate comparable to that of a wake for the given turbulence intensity. The transient behavior of both plume and wake is analyzed to contrast the dynamics of meandering in both cases. A good degree of correlation is observed between the instantaneous position of the wake and plume centers. At a specific downstream location, the variance of the position of the wake center is observed to be larger than that of the plume center. However, when the comparison is made instead for a specific advection time, the variance of the plume center is found to be higher than that of the wake center. Spectral analysis of the instantaneous variation of the position of wake and plume center reveals that the scales in the range of the size of rotor carry more energy in case of the plume than in the wake. Comparisons of the simulated wake and plume dynamics are also made with existing analytical models for wake meandering. The results provide insights on how to improve wake meandering models, which in turn could lead to improved design and control of wind farms.