Wednesday, 22 June 2016
Alta-Deer Valley (Sheraton Salt Lake City Hotel)
NCAR's Earth Observing Lab (EOL) deployed four profiling systems known as ISS (Integrated Sounding Systems) to the PECAN campaign to northern Kansas and southern Nebraska area in the spring and summer of 2015. One of the sites included a newly developed radar wind profiler known as the Modular Wind Profiler. The wind profiler operates at 449 MHz and is modular so can be scaled to suit the needs of a particular experiment. Antenna modules can be combined together to probe high into the troposphere, or can broken up into smaller dispersed groups to probe the boundary layer over an extended area. Currently the system is capable of being deployed as two boundary layer, or one mid-troposphere systems which is how it was deployed to PECAN. Spaced Antenna techniques are used to provide rapid wind measurement, and the RIM (Range IMaging) as also been implemented to provide fine vertical range resolution. The presentation will highlight measurements made by the modular profiler and other ISS at PECAN, including those of bores, waves, the LLJ and other boundary layer features.