31st International Conference on Radar Meteorology


The U.S. national weather radar testbed (phased array): Potential impact on aviation

Leslie R. Lemon, Basic Commerce & Industries, Inc., Independence,, MO; and E. M. Quoetone and N. Milian

A unique Doppler Weather Radar, a “Phased Array” radar (PAR) forms the heart of the U. S. National Weather Radar Testbed (NWRT). Weather radar information collected by this facility in turn provides the research data that will undoubtedly impact many agencies including the aviation and the public weather communities over the next several years. This recently constructed facility in Norman, Oklahoma will use a former military radar system for detection, observation, and characterization of weather, especially severe convective storms. It is anticipated that the PAR, through the data sets and the related research, will ultimately contribute to faster and more accurate warnings, analyses, and forecast techniques for severe and hazardous weather while tracking aircraft. Here we explain the system design, functionality of the phased array, planned upgrades, anticipated benefits, and especially some of the research objectives that will impact current data applications. Further, we discuss some of the implications if a similar system (with affordable technology) is to be introduced operationally. We will consider phenomena observations and data display changes for aviation and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). We well also consider the impact of introduction into a National Weather Service (NWS) public warnings program and some of the critical human factors considerations that must be included in system design and implementation.

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Poster Session 5B, Radar Systems/Network Poster
Monday, 11 August 2003, 1:30 PM-3:30 PM

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