Using these observational requirements for a global water cycle observing system, the approach to measuring the global water cycle from space is developed. The capabilities of active and passive microwave instruments are discussed, as are supporting measurements from other sources. Examples of space observational systems, including TRMM/GPM precipitation measurement, cloud radars, soil moisture, sea surface salinity, temperature and humidity profiling, other measurement approaches are discussed, as are the assimilation of the microwave and other data into interpretative computer models.
The selection of orbits, and antenna size/beamwidth considerations then determine the sampling characteristics for satellite measurement systems. These considerations dictate a particular set of measurement possibilities, which are then matched to the observational sampling requirements based on the science. The result of this process is a network of satellite instrumentation systems, many in low Earth orbit, a few in geostationary orbit, and all tied together through a sampling network that feeds the observations into a data-assimilative computer model.
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