The case we have chosen for this study is the 17 May 1981 Arcadia, OK, supercell which was observed by two Doppler radars spaced approximately 40 km apart. We assimilate data from one radar and verify the retrieved wind field with observations from the second radar. We also use dual Doppler analyses to verify both the vertical velocity and crossbeam velocity retrieved using single Doppler observations. A number of assimilation experiments have been conducted using a time series of single Doppler observations. Short term forecasts have also been conducted using the retrieved fields as initial conditions.
This work is ongoing and results obtained so far will be presented at the Conference. In general terms, both techniques are able to retrieve the three-dimensional flow field with reasonable accuracy. The r.m.s. differences between the retrieved and dual-Doppler-calculated crossbeam velocity fields are of the order of 5 m/s while the maximum vertical velocity retrieved is within 20-30% of its dual-Doppler counterpart. There is a tendency for the 4DVar technique to perform better in the early part of assimilation time window, while EnKF does better latter in the window due its improved calculation of the background error covariances.
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