Recent developments in ATD Data Management include a renewed support for real-time field project access and display of ATD data, automated project web pages in the field, investigations of the utility of XML for meta-data organization, increased reliance on the NCAR Mass-Store for deep archival and distribution of data, network transfer for data combined with automated tools for user initiated data requests, and closer ties with Unidata for the development of the IDV (Integrated Data Viewer) and as a model for community support and collaboration.
Additionally, beta level products have been created that reflect this growth and adaptation of tools for data management. These include the use of Unidata's DODS server for remote data access and the utilization of the IDV and ZEBRA to facilitate data analysis and display, the creation of a THREDDS (xml) catalog of the IHOP ATD data set allowing both "search and discovery" as well as DODS data access, and a web-based data retrieval system. New technologies are also incorporated into the data management efforts as they become available, often including partnerships and collaborations with other groups. Future developments include allowing entire data set transfers (as technology allows bandwidth issues to be resolved) and the inclusion of ATD data sets in DLESE's Digital Library.
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