Wednesday, 6 August 2003: 8:55 AM
Radar Applications to Winter-Season West Coast Research and Forecasting in the CALJET and PACJET Experiments
This presentation will review the scientific and forecasting objectives of the California Land-falling Jets (CALJET) and Pacific Land-falling Jets (PACJET) field experiments, and selected results in coastal and radar meteorology based on several field studies from 1997 to the present. These experiments have focused on improving the understanding and prediction of land-falling winter storms that regularly strike the United States West Coast, including the critical role of the cyclone warm sector and its associated low-level jet. Objectives have focused on physical process studies, observing systems tests and forecast technique development and demonstration. The studies began in late 1997, and have continued each winter from 2001 to 2003. The presentation will briefly address each of these topics, with an emphasis on coastal processes and the role of radar in exploring scientific challenges and gaps in the operational observing network needed for the NWS Watch-Warning program and for quantitative precipitation estimation and forecasting. Critical data sets include those from NEXRAD, NOAA’s P-3 airborne radars as well as NOAA/ETL’s boundary layer wind profilers, vertically pointing, high dynamic range, S-band radars, and polarimetric scanning X-band radar.
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