32nd Conference on Radar Meteorology
11th Conference on Mesoscale Processes

Joint Session 1J

 Assimilation of Radar Data in NWP Models (Joint with 32Radar and 11Mesoscale)
 Chair: Qin Xu, NOAA/NSSL, Norman, OK
8:15 AMJ1J.1Keynote Talk: Progress, Problems, and Prospects for Radar Data Assimilation in Stormscale Models  
Andrew Crook, NCAR, Boulder, CO
8:45 AMJ1J.2Improving very-short-term storm predictions by assimilating radar and satellite data into a mesoscale NWP model  extended abstract
Qingyun Zhao, NRL, Monterey, CA; and J. Cook, Q. Xu, and P. R. Harasti
9:00 AMJ1J.3Radar data assimilation experiments with a microphysical bulk formulation based on scaling normalization  
Isztar Zawadzki, J.S. Marshall Radar Observatory/McGill Univ., Montreal, QC, Canada; and W. Szyrmer, S. Laroche, W. Szyrmer, and S. Laroche
9:15 AMJ1J.4Multiple Doppler Wind Analysis and Assimilation via 3DVAR using Simulated Observations of the Planned CASA Network and WSR-88D Radars  extended abstract wrf recording
Jidong Gao, Univ. of Oklahoma, Norman, OK; and C. Nuttall, C. Gilreath, M. Xue, K. Brewster, and K. Droegemeier
9:30 AMJ1J.5Assimilation across multiple scales for simulated squall lines  
So-Young Ha, School of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Seoul, Korea and NCAR, Boulder, CO; and A. H. Caya and C. Snyder
9:45 AMJ1J.6Experiments in very short period forecasting of convective storms using radar extrapolation and numerical weather prediction methods  
James W. Wilson, NCAR, Boulder, CO

Monday, 24 October 2005: 8:15 AM-10:00 AM, Alvarado ABCD

* - Indicates paper has been withdrawn from meeting

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