P15R.4 The Air Flow and The Large Hail Spawn Area in Hailstorm

Friday, 28 October 2005
Alvarado F and Atria (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
Junjian Zhu, CMA, Jinan, China; and G. Zheng, X. Diao, L. Wang, and W. Fang

Base on a series of volume scan data every 6 min, the structure of 3 hailstorm are analysed. In these cases, mesocyclone exist. Of the mesocyclone the air flows converged with cyclonic-wise at low level, rotated cyclonewise at mid low level, diverged with cyclonewise at mid high level, and diverged at the top. On the right back of the mesocyclone there is an anticyclone associated with at mid high level. Cyclone and anticyclone forms a “8” flow pattern and a “s” intense refractivity area. In the “s” area at mid/high level, it is propitious to form “cave channel”. At the two turning of the “s”, the horizontal velocity are more weak, the “cave channel” forming more frequent and become large hail spawn region.
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