Thursday, 27 October 2005
Alvarado F and Atria (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
Handout (1021.7 kB)
A real-time high-resolution (up to 250m) radar wind retrieval system is developed to provide a comprehensive view of real-time storm winds in critical areas threatened by the storm and to help forecasters to make warning decisions with an improved accuracy. This system uses the simple adjoint method to retrieve vector winds from level II radar data on the conical surface of the lowest scan, while its real-time interactive communication capabilities are built on the NSSL Warning Decision Support System II (WDSS II). The system contains four components: 1) real-time level II data ingesting and converting; 2) user-friendly interface for parameter and location selecting; 3) two-dimensional vector wind retrieval package; and 4) interactive display with capability of overlapping retrieved wind on different observations and numerical model outputs. In aid of graphic interface, user can easily select retrieval parameter values (such as spatial resolution, retrieval domain, and etc.) and execute vector wind retrieval. Then, the system will automatically follow the targeted feature (such as a tornadic vortex signature or mesocyclone) to continuously retrieve and display the vector wind field over the targeted area. The system has been tested with several cases of tornadic storms. The capabilities of the system will be demonstrated at the conference.