Handout (1.5 MB)
This methodology was developed for a specific network of four Doppler radars: two WSR-88D radars (Denver-KFTG and Cheyenne-KCYS) and two CSU research radars (PAWNEE and CSU-CHILL). In the software, radial velocities are synthesized to obtain three-dimensional wind vectors, algorithms for automatic quality control, hydrometeor identification and rainfall rate estimation using the polarimetric data from CSU-CHILL are incorporated, and instantaneous rain rates using Z-R relationships are calculated.
The software has been successfully tested at the CSU-CHILL radar facility. The display software allows users the ability to zoom in and out of radar features, change the grid resolution and origin, create vertical cross sections, contour data, and archive data in real-time. Despite the lag time, the tool proved invaluable for diagnosing areas of intense rainfall, hail, strong updrafts, and other features such as mesocyclones and convergence lines.
Supplementary URL: http://radarmet.atmos.colostate.edu/~bdolan/radar05_conf.htm