Friday, 28 October 2005: 12:00 PM
Alvarado ABCD (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
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The field program of the Thunderstorm Electrification and Lightning Experiment (TELEX) occurred in central Oklahoma during May 2003 and May-June 2004. Key to this experiment were the Oklahoma Lightning Mapping Array (OK-LMA), which provides lightning flash rates and structure over much of Oklahoma, and the KOUN S-band polarimetric radar in Norman, Oklahoma, which provides reflectivity structure, radial winds, and polarimetric measurements from which microphysical characteristics may be estimated. These two systems operate routinely year round. During both years of the field program, a mobile balloon crew intercepted storms to provide in-situ soundings of the electric field and thermodynamics. In 2004, mobile soundings of the storm environment and two mobile C-band Doppler radars (SMART-Rs) also were added.
In 2003, TELEX acquired data from three small, isolated storms, three mesoscale convective systems, and one supercell storm. In the longer 2004 field program, TELEX acquired data from three small, isolated storms, three supercell storms, and seven squall lines or mesoscale convective systems. This paper presents relationships of lightning with storm structure and microphysics for the 29 May 2004 supercell storm and one mesoscale convective system. More detailed studies of specific TELEX storms are being presented by a series of papers at this conference.