Tuesday, 25 October 2005
Alvarado F and Atria (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
Handout (397.8 kB)
The Cirrus Regional Study of Tropical Anvils and Cirrus Layers - Florida Area Cirrus Experiment (CRYSTAL-FACE) was conducted over south Florida in 2002. The NASA S-Band polarimetric Doppler radar (NPOL) collected over 27 days of volume scan precipitation data while supporting flight operations during CRYSTAL-FACE. NPOL utilizes an ultra-modern flat panel antenna that is fully portable and self-contained. A mesh-like reflector cuts down on wind loading and makes NPOL quickly deployable in any weather situation. However, several issues have become apparent with NPOL regarding data collection quality and reliability, including an increased observance of sidelobes, backlobes and other non-precipitating echo. To combat these issues, a quality control algorithm has been developed that utilizes the polarimetric capabilities of NPOL. Results indicate that the algorithm removes a significant portion of the radar artifacts, including anomalous propagation, ground clutter, sidelobes and backlobes, spurious data, and even chaff; making the data much more reliable and consistent with other radars of its class. A description of the algorithm with examples and results is presented herein.