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A northerly barrier jet flow at heights below ~3 km MSL in the area immediately east of the Rocky Mountain foothills was found to be a prominent feature in the dual Doppler horizontal wind field syntheses. Above the barrier jet, the average wind direction was generally easterly. The differential reflectivity (Zdr) and specific propagation differential phase (Kdp) values tended to be positive in the easterly flow layer aloft; indicative of the presence of ice particles that were generally oriented with their major axes in the horizontal plane. However, within the higher reflectivity regions within this flow, Zdr and Kdp tended to near zero, consistent with ice particle aggregation. Reflectivity streamers were evident from these enhanced regions of reflectivity which apparently generated banded low level echo features as they fell into the underlying barrier jet flow. This paper will document the evolution of selected mesoscale echo features during particularly active phases of the overall winter storm.