This mesoscale vortex induced new convection, modified low and midlevel flows and conditioned the dimensions, motion and, therefore, the persistence of the rainfall field.
The analysis of the NWP model operational at the Meteorological Service of Spain (INM) (with two horizontal resolutions: 0.5º and 0.2º) were not able to reproduce this mesoscale cyclonic circulation although it generated a mesolow over the Catalonia-Balearic sea (200 km eastward/southeastward of the observed vortex) with its associated circulation, which could be linked to the main synoptic depression located 1000 km westward.
Hourly and daily rainfall accumulations of this event have been derived from radar information. A significant improvement could be observed from the comparison between raw and QC accumulation fields (especially, after correcting for radome attenuation). However, the effects of bright band contamination and path attenuation by rain remain in corrected fields and limit the quality of rainfall estimates from radar.