Thursday, 27 October 2005: 11:31 AM
Alvarado ABCD (Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town)
Presentation PDF (341.2 kB)
Rain radar estimates show a range dependent bias as a result of the increasing in height of the radar beam illumination path. However, some studies have shown that the vertical reflectivity profile (VPR) remains reasonably constant in the spatial and temporal limit of the radar scan, what suggest the possibility to improve the rain radar estimates if we know an approximate VPR. This poster describes the details of such implementation in the Spanish radar systems; the procedure use radar data in the near scanned space to estimate the VPR and use the profile to reduce the range dependent bias in the PPI reflectivity data; the result is a new product, the reflectivity estimate at ground level, that the Spanish INM use to feed its radar hydrological product line.