Handout (771.9 kB)
Here the numerical prediction of hydrometeor and stratiform precipitation magnitudes is examined for different microphysics specifications applied across varying meteorological regimes and length scales. The cases include a tropical cyclone remnant that transforms to a midlatitude-type system over time. The numerical model used is the Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®). The microphysics specifications are the default model scheme and various modifications: among these are the replacement of the graupel category by a denser, faster-falling hail category; and the use of bulk collection equations that properly bound collection across all hydrometeor sizes. Among other results, it was found that the bounded scheme produced little effect during the tropical stage; however, during the midlatitude stage, the maximum precipitation intensity decreased, while the area experiencing precipitation increased and became more uniform. Further comparisons and implications will be discussed.