33rd Conference on Broadcast Meteorology


The Forecast for a Job Change

Lisa Mozer, Fernback Science Center, Marietta, GA

"When the Forecast calls for a Job Change" The transition to a new profession does not have to be a stormy one. The process is a career make-over. Gain tips and refresh your job hunting skills with a little course work on networking and marketing your gained skills from television and radio. Be ready for the change before it comes. The more lead time, the less the steps seem extreme. For many broadcasters after several years of working holidays and weekends, the transition to a job outside the media is as smooth as a call for partly cloudy skies with good visibility. The celebrity and credibility status that a friendly weather person gains can follow them like a halo into a second career. Some of the obvious selections for a second career are in education and government, but remember with a passion about any activity there are no boundaries

Session 13, Career Session: The Ins and Outs of TV Weathercasting
Friday, 18 June 2004, 9:00 AM-10:15 AM

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